VAT Table
Here the relevant VAT codes are managed. If VAT rates change, the changes made to a specific date can be made here.
Mouse Functions
Right click with the mouse opens the following functions.
Functions from top to bottom:
1. Adds new VAT code to
2. Here, names and terms are adjusted
3. Removes appropriate VAT code
Tax code: Here the program-internal Tax Code is set.
Percentage: Displays the current percentage in%. Under "new percentage" for the future, an existing VAT rate can be determined. This is then selected from the "valid from" date.
Designation: Can be freely selected. From the uses "valid from" date inntact the second name line.
Account No.: Here the account is selected on which the VAT due or the tax credit will be recorded.
Tax code: Here is the code, which are necessary for the VAT accounts for the Swiss Federal Tax Administration, defined (Tax ID).
Art: The type determines whether the VAT is recorded as a credit (tax) or liability (payable VAT).
Inclusive: Determines whether the VAT is included in the reserved amount or will be billed separately.
Investment: Determines whether it is appropriate VAT code is an investment or purchase account.
Deduction: If only a portion of the purchases or investments are deductible, it can be adapted here (only available with purchase codes).