For each supplier, any numbers of paying agents to be defined. If the paying agents are stored properly, the vendor payments are made via DTA.


The supplier should be chosen first. Then you can use the icon "New" a new paying agent are recorded.

ESR orange:

There must be a valid account number must be entered.

ESR red:

There mustbe a valid account number (IBAN is an advantage) entered AND a valid BC number will ONLY OR postal account (see Photo 2)

Domestic bank account:


The bank clearing number and a bank account number or IBAN nr must be entered.

Foreign Bank Account:


Either the bank or the BIC address and a bank account number or IBAN nr must be entered.

Document reader function:


You also have the opportunity to read the document reader via creditors. For that you have to first define the ESR Info:

The identification number is always on the first 6 positions of the reference number.

The account number is always in the last position of the ESR code and has 9 numbers.

The invoice or account number is indicated on the invoice

Normally, reference numbers are 27-digits; a few vendors have 16-digit.


If the existing data was all entered correctly, with proper reading of the ESR code in creditor collection, following fields are required:

Supplier document no., supplier no., Billing total, reference number